Monday 26 April 2010

Malnutrition: Mauritius; effect on behaviour

Poor nutrition as a child would be a bad influence on a child's physical health. But it was not only on his physical problems, but also can cause children to have behavior problems when he was a teenager.Thus as seen from a study of approximately 1600 children in the islands of Mauritius, who suffered malnutrition, lack of protein, minerals zinc, iron and vitamin B, when they were three years old. And after the age of 8, 11 and 17 years, they tend to have behavior problems vary.These children tend to behave badly in school, fighting, breaking school rules and other behavioral problems when they grow up. They generally have a level of intelligence (IQ) is lower, which is a sign of deficit or deficiency of the neuro-cognitive brain due to malnutrition and this may be the cause of problem behavior.

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