Saturday 10 November 2012

MALARIA: antibiotic resistance, patent medicine vendors

From:William Brieger

Date:Fri, Nov 9, 2012 12:16 pm
Combating Antibiotic Resistance In Tropical Countries –Don’t Ignore Patent Medicine Vendors 
OBJECTIVE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recently reemphasized the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance (including antibiotic resistance) partly due to inappropriate medicine use by healthcare providers. Patent medicine (PM) vendors are a large group of informal healthcare providers licensed to sell over-the-counter drugs but not antibiotics. This study investigated PM Vendor’s treatment of sick children under 5 years in order to determine whether drugs they use may contribute to antibiotic resistance.METHODS: Questionnaire interviews of 491 PM Vendors in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria, Africa. RESULTS: Fever, diarrhea, measles, cough were the common illnesses treated. The proportion who used antibiotics varied with type of illness- 15.8% for fever, 77.3% diarrhea, 74.9% measles, 47.7% cough/catarrh and 39(57.4%) of 68 who treated pneumonia. Some 117 (23.8%) PM Vendors had training in western medicine (mainly in nursing) and most of them prescribed antibiotics more often than PM Vendors without such training (p<0 .001=".001" another="another" antibiotics="antibiotics" be="be" because="because" doses.="doses." effective.="effective." even="even" expectations="expectations" for="for" meet="meet" needed="needed" not="not" of="of" parents.="parents." percent="percent" pm="pm" prescribed="prescribed" prescribing="prescribing" reason="reason" strong="strong" style="background-color: transparent; border: 0px; line-height: 1.22em; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;" substandard="substandard" the="the" them="them" thirty-seven="thirty-seven" thought="thought" to="to" used="used" vendors="vendors" was="was" were="were" when="when">CONCLUSION: 
PM Vendors used antibiotics inappropriately and this could contribute to antibiotic resistance. Training PM Vendors in appropriate management of illnesses using drugs they are allowed to sell could reduce antibiotic resistance. Training PM Vendors should be made a precondition for opening shops and reissuing licenses. Public enlightenment about appropriate use of antibiotics and research into prescription practices of other health providers is needed. Whether some PM Vendors should be allowed to sell a limited range of antibiotics, (similar to Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets programs of Tanzania) for treatment of life-threatening conditions needs careful deliberation.- See more at:

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