Tuesday 23 October 2012

MALARIA: Thinking Inside the Malaria Box: Seeking Your Ideas for New Malaria Treatments

October 19, 2012
Opportunities to share knowledge and collaborate are critical to breakthrough discoveries.
Imagine you were given a box that contained a solution to eradicate one of the world’s most deadly infectious diseases: malaria. All that was required of you was to harness your creativity and ingenuity to sift through that box and discover a solution that could help save hundreds of thousands of lives.
A box containing the solution to a deadly disease may sound like fiction.  But such an opportunity for malaria may be much closer to reality than you think.  Medicines for Malaria Ventures (MMV) has made available to the research community a “box” of hundreds of promising anti-malarial molecules so that the next generation of malaria medicines can be discovered. Thanks to the vision of our partners at MMV, researchers like you have an unprecedented opportunity to expedite the discovery of new anti-malarial drugs. 
In 2010, malaria infected an estimated 216 million people worldwide and caused 655,000 deaths[1]. Eradication of malaria is one of the Gates Foundation’s  top priorities, and eradication rests heavily on the discovery of new antimalarial drugs. These new drugs will be crucial tools for driving down transmission and preventing a reintroduction of malaria until the disease incidence is reduced to zero worldwide[2].  .....

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